颜色大作战小游戏 我的世界插件下载


config:  auto_updating: true # 是否自动更新
rounds_per_game: 10 # 一局进行多少回合
start_countdown: 5 # 开局等等待时间(达到最少人数要求后的等待时间)
default_max_players: 4 # 默认竞技场最大人数
default_min_players: 3 #默认竞技场最小人数
use_economy_reward: true # 如果为true 将使用经济系统来奖励玩家,如果为false 则使用物品奖励
money_reward_per_game: 30 #奖励金钱
itemid: 264 #奖励物品
itemamount: 1 #奖励物品数量
use_command_reward: false # 是否使用指令奖励
command_reward: pex user [user] group set ColorPro
start_anouncement: true # 是否启用全服公告
game_on_join: false # 是否自动开始 (BungeeCord 服务器使用)
bling_sounds: false # 是否开启blingblingbling的提示音..
kits: #工具包,下边会说道
name: default
potioneffect: SPEED
amplifier: 1
lore: The default class.
strings: 语言文件,需要改为中文请使用notepad++,并且进行ANSI转码
arena: '&aSuccessfully saved arena.'
lobby: '&aSuccessfully saved lobby.'
setup: '&6Successfully saved spawn. Now setting up, might &2lag&6 a little bit.'
not_in_arena: '&cYou don''t seem to be in an arena right now.'
config_reloaded: '&6Successfully reloaded config.'
arena_is_ingame: '&cThe arena appears to be ingame.'
arena_invalid: '&cThe arena appears to be invalid.'
arena_invalid_sign: '&cThe arena appears to be invalid, because a join sign is missing.'
arena_invalid_component: '&2The arena appears to be invalid (missing components
or misstyped arena)!'
you_fell: '&3You fell! Type &6/cm leave &3to leave.'
you_won: '&aYou won this round, awesome man! Here, enjoy your reward.'
starting_in: '&aStarting in &6'
starting_in2: '&a seconds.'
arena_full: '&cThis arena is full!'
starting_anouncement: '&aStarting a new ColorMatch Game in &6'
started_anouncement: '&aA new ColorMatch Round has started!'




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